The use of videos as an evaluative resource for learning: an experience in higher education


  • Jamilly Souza Tenorio Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Cleide Jane de Sá Araújo Costa Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)
  • Givaldo Oliveira dos Santos Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL)



Use of videos, Learning assessment, Education technologies, Online teaching


The use of media resources leads to the construction of learning in line with the creativity, sensitivity and emotions that are aroused in students. Therefore, in the context of a pandemic, this article aims to present an experience on the use of videos as an assessment resource in the teaching and learning process in higher education, focusing on the creation and use of educational videos as a mediation tool. in the classroom. Theoretical and methodological in nature, the investigation was developed within the scope of a discipline of the Postgraduate Course in Education of a Brazilian public university in a virtual education classroom space. It was in carrying out the activities of the discipline and in the seminars on the subjects of learning assessment, that the study problem arose: of a didactic character, how can the evaluation be carried out through videos prepared by graduate students? With a qualitative approach, such as data collection, the research consists of the experience report of the subjects involved, with observations and narratives of the videos evidenced in the discussion forums in the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA). The categories of analysis considered were the productions of the videos and the interactions in the AVA forums, observing in the videos their structure, content, consistency of images and evidence of a formative evaluation. The results show that the use of videos, as an educational didactic tool, anchors the process of meaning, offers possibilities for students' learning, develops evaluative procedures in the practice of teaching and learning, as well as the practice of a formative learning assessment, moments of reflections from the teacher to the student.


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How to Cite

Tenorio, J. S., Sá Araújo Costa, C. J. de, & Oliveira dos Santos, G. (2022). The use of videos as an evaluative resource for learning: an experience in higher education. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 6(10), 37–43.