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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • Where available, URLs for references have been provided.
  • The text follows the style standards in accordance with the journal's guidelines; figures, tables, and plots are included in the text, not at the end of the document or as attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the 'About the Journal' page.
  • At submission, the title, abstract, and keywords must be added to the journal system in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, regardless of paper language.

Author Guidelines

Access the template for full information on submission guidelines and publication styles:


Article title with, at most, three lines, centralized, size 14, bold, using Times New Roman font

Abstract: summarize the key points of the work with 150-300 words for Complete articles, Review articles, or Case studies; 100-250 words for Short communications or Book review. Abstract font: Times New Roman, size 8, normal, justified. Content: summarize the main findings of the study, that is, objectives, methods, main results and conclusions. Do not add references, figures, tables, and plots. Before the abstract, leave a 6 pt spacing and leave a 4 pt spacing after it. After the keywords, leave an 8 pt spacing.

Keywords: three to five words, separated by commas.

Abstract in Portuguese: present the abstract in Portuguese (Resumo), using Times New Roman font, size 8, italic, justified. After and before the Resumo, leave 4 pt spacings. After the keywords in Portuguese (Palavras-chave), leave an 8 pt spacing.

Keywords in Portuguese: present the paper keywords in Portuguese (Palavras-chave), following the same format.


The article must have the following mandatory sections:


Material and methods

Results and discussion (this section can be divided into two sections ‘Results’ and ‘Discussion’, if the authors deem it necessary/relevant)



The use of subsections is free and is at the discretion of the authors. Parsimony is recommended in the use of subsections and ternary sections throughout the article.

1.1 File formatting

Page configuration as A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) in portrait mode.

The page margins are of the narrow type (1.27 cm in all margins - right, left, inferior, and superior).

Article size is related to the publication type. Complete articles and case studies must have between 5 and 10 pages, Short communications must have between 2 and 4 pages, and Review articles must have at least 8 pages. Submissions outside these ranges will be returned to the authors.

The articles must follow the two-column template.

1.2 Textual elements

For the text, use Times New Roman font, normal, size 10. Paragraphs must have a spacing of 6 pt before them. The spacing between lines is simple, with a 0.8 cm indent.

Foreign language words and scientific names of taxa (genus group and species) must be written in italics.

Direct citations with up to three lines must be between double quotes and with the same formatting as the text.

For direct citations with more than three lines, do not use double quotes and use the following formatting: Times New Roman font, size 10, justified, 2.0 cm indent, single line spacing, and 12 pt spacing after and before the citation.

In both cases, the citation must be accompanied by the reference entry. If the author identification appears outside parentheses, the reference entry must be formatted as: Author surname (year, p. xx) [1]. If the reference is inside the parentheses, the formatting is: [1, p. xx]. Refer to further information in the 'References' section.

Footnotes may be added using the Microsoft Word Footnotes resource (Menu References - Insert Footnote).

It is suggested that internet page links be inserted as footnotes.


2.1 Figures

The Figures must be aligned with the text. Automatic text wrapping of pictures must be set to: text-aligned (select the picture and then click Picture Tools Menu > Format > Automatic Text Wrapping > Text Inline).

Figures must be numbered sequentially from number 1 and must be called by their numbering in the body of the text and not “the figure below”.

2.2 Tables and Plots

Tables and Plots must be called by their numbering in the body of the text and not "the table/plot below". The desciption of the table or plot must follow it, with the same formatting of figure captions.

Tables are used to present numeric data and results, generally with statistical treatment.

Tables must be presented using Times New Roman font, size 9, with internal lines only in the header. Superior and inferior table edges must appear, and the lateral edges must not be displayed.

Plots are typically used to present textual information. They are presented with all edges visible and the text is aligned to the left.

2.3 Equations

Editing equations is often problematic. Thus, it is better to use the Microsoft Word tool for equations, or enter the equations as images.

2.4 Programming codes

Lines of programming codes must follow formatting similar to the tables. Here, the code is treated as a single-cell table. The code caption must follow Figure numbering in the text (e.g., Figure 2).

The formatting of the text code must be Courier New font, size 8, aligned to the left.


The works cited throughout the text compose the references. References of indirect citations must be called in the body of the text using crescent Arabic numerals between brackets (e.g., [1]).

The references must be numbered according to the order they appear in the text.

The citations must follow APA (American Physiological Association) style. Please, refer to formatting examples of different scientific publications.

Regarding the authors, independently of the reference type, inform the surname, followed by a comma and and the author name initials. To separate different authors, use commas. Use a space between the authors' initials. Place the & (ampersand) before the last author.

Additional information can be found on the APA style page of the American Psychological Association.


Article in which an issue is discussed, presenting the Editors-in-Chief's point of view.

Short Communications

Short articles that clearly address the scientific method should be included in the “Short Communications” section. As an example, it can be work done in the classroom, in an extension project, or internship.

Complete Articles

In the section "Complete Articles", the works present a more extensive review and data analysis is deeper. This section is interested in receiving monographs, dissertations and thesis, or even scientific initiation works with years of research.

Review Articles

The “Review Articles” section aims to publish works that deal with the compilation of information about a current subject in the most diverse scientific areas.

Special Edition - Integrated Approaches to Global Health, Societal Recovery, and

Section for articles submitted to the special edition  "Integrated Approaches to Global Health, Societal Recovery, and Technological Advancements in Post Crisis Contexts".

Case Studies

In this section articles that describe and analyze cases/situations or present experiences from some real application in all areas of knowledge.

Book Review

This section will include reviews of books whose content is related to the scope of this journal: Interdisciplinarity, Education and Applied Science.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statements

RICA is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards to guarantee the quality and integrity of the published works. Thus, RICA has the following principles:

  • The Editorial Board members work voluntarily to keep the quality of the published papers and may, at any moment, point irregularities that may violate copyright or present any form of plagiarism, also taking the appropriate measures.
  • The Editorial Board guarantees the confidentiality of the submitted works until publication, with exception of award-winning articles and special editions with productions by already known authors.
  • The reviewers are committed to treating the assigned works as confidential, not using the received information to obtain any personal and/or professional advantage.
  • The authors must guarantee that the submitted work is original. When using other materials, the sources must be properly cited. Any plagiarism attempt will result in the immediate rejection of the submission or archiving if the paper was published and the plagiarism identification occurs after publication.
  • Authors must not submit the same work to more than one journal at the same time. The submission of the same work to more than one journal at the same time constitutes unethical behavior that may preclude publication.
  • If the existence of plagiarism is verified after publication, the author(s) will be subject to the applicable legal measures. The published work will be immediately excluded and, in its place, a notice explaining the motive of the exclusion will be published.

The RICA follows the guidelines determined by the code of ethical conduct of the Comitee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Thus, it is essential that all parties involved (editors, authors and reviewers) adopt them, in order to prevent any instances of unethical behavior and bad practices in publications. RICA repudiates all types of plagiarism, falsification of information, fabrication of results, undue or phantom authorship and any other kind of fraud that harms scientific ethics. Furthermore, we endorse the guidelines for authors determined by the Integrity Commission of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), available here.

For more information about the ethics and publication practices of RICA, access the journal Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.