Professor Francisco Catelli: um físico “pop star”
Francisco Catelli, Physics teaching, creative teacher, generous colleagueAbstract
This article pays tribute to a generous, intelligent professor who is passionate about teaching Physics. Spectacular human being, owner of a serene countenance and a smile that he presents to everyone he meets. With a special interest for Optics and Astronomy, as a professor, he stands out for his commitment to teaching Physics and his ability to enchant young students. Owner of sharp critical thinking, as a colleague, he stands out for his generosity and kindness, knowing how to work in a team like few others. When guiding, he knows how to create a light atmosphere, shares ideas and thoughts, does not spare his praise and knows how to criticize with elegance. In general, he is a professor who is very concerned about the development of his students, always showing love and interest in what he does, a happiness to be with the students, to be talking about Physics or teaching Science.
CURRÍCULO DO SISTEMA DE CURRÍCULOS LATTES -Francisco Catelli - Acesso em 14/06/2023
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gladis Franck da Cunha, Isolda Gianni de Lima, Guilherme Brambatti Guzzo , Odilon Giovannini Jr., Valquíria Villas-Boas , Michel Mendes

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