Call for Papers - Promoting Planet-Centered Systemic Change through Emergent Design





On this week we celebrate Earth Day (22/04) and Earth Hour (26/04), where public awareness is raised to reflect and act on how the Earth can be protected, we launch this Call: Promoting Planet-Centered Systemic Change through Emergent Design. Our intention with this Call is to create a community of researchers and practitioners around this theme, promoting new knowledge, new ideas, new tools and environments, and new relationships to help sustain new collaborative projects that can generate meaningful impact and positive change.



Emergent design emphasizes that in complex, open, concurrent, dynamic, and concurrent environments, effective design is a progressive process that is nourished by elements of local contingencies and the variety of input from connectivity, social collectivity, and human understanding and learning. The unpredictability inherent to complex, open, dynamic, and concurrent systems must be taken into account in design, implementation, and management. Emergent design focuses on situations, contexts, systems, and phenomena that are inherently unpredictable, idiosyncratic, with many unknowns and uncertainties. Emergent design attempts to design, implement, and continuously adjust new systems that facilitate deeper human learning and understanding, particularly where outcomes depend upon better human understanding, in order to provide informed feedback and enable ongoing adjustment without constantly re-architecting the foundation.

Emergent design emphasizes that in complex, open, concurrent, dynamic, and concurrent environments, effective design is a progressive process that is nourished by elements of local contingencies and the variety of input from connectivity, social collectivity, and human understanding and learning. The unpredictability inherent to complex, open, dynamic, and concurrent systems must be taken into account in design, implementation, and management. Emergent design focuses on situations, contexts, systems, and phenomena that are inherently unpredictable, idiosyncratic, with many unknowns and uncertainties. Emergent design attempts to design, implement, and continuously adjust new systems that facilitate deeper human learning and understanding, particularly where outcomes depend upon better human understanding, in order to provide informed feedback and enable ongoing adjustment without constantly re-architecting the foundation.

Emergent design was originally applied to the design of a new enterprise informatics architecture, applications and generative tools to facilitate better understanding and practice of healthcare, including all stakeholders and enabling their collective agency, where new technologies and innovations could be incorporated without necessitating a totally new architecture. Emergent Design further enabled recursive evolution as human understanding improved and computational fluency developed so that the practitioners could develop further applications, develop new knowledge and technologies, and incorporate those advances to further ongoing improvement in thinking and practice.

Emergent design was refined by its application towards facilitating more effective learning. Emergent Design contributed to better thinking and practice for changing learning environments, which also are unpredictable, highly complex, dynamic, open, and concurrent, and dependent upon human understanding to enable better practice. Subsequently, it helped guide, for some, agile development of software, agile management, adaptive learning environments and activities, organizational learning, data science and analysis, and more.

Systems in nature provide powerful models for Emergent Design. Understanding how natural systems successfully function symbiotically, and adapt to dynamic changes provides new models for complex systems design and management. Examples include bio-fabricated computational constructs which are not static and rely on dynamic cues from their environment to inform their form and function so that they can adapt to their surroundings as needed, particularly when they can dynamically re-write their code. Such systems enable emergent behavior that is not just based upon simple organisms following their original rules.

Emergent Design focuses on where the components of the system not only adapt according to their inital rules, but are open to create new rules and thinking that recursively enables new behavior and new patterns. We invite papers that will help explicate and expand the theory of Emergent Design, provide use cases in a cross-variety of domains in order to broaden and forefront areas of application and understanding, descriptions of exploratory work in process, and whatever else emerges that contributors think relevant and important.



Possibles lines of contributions related to Emergent Design are suggested, in their domains or intersections:

- Epistemological perspectives for addressing complex, dynamic and open systems
- Design for complex, dynamic and open systems
- Management in complex, dynamic and open systems
- Learning in complex, dynamic and open systems
- Computational Technologies for complex, dynamic and open systems
- Natural Systems for better design, management and understanding of complex, dynamic and open systems
- Performance Perspectives when addressing complex, dynamic and open systems
- Communication in complex, dynamic and open systems
- Human cognition and collective behavior in complex, dynamic and open systems
- Emergent themes proposed by authors



1) Important Dates:

- Call for Papers Launch: 22 April (Day of the Earth) and 26 April (Earth Hour);

- Proposing submission:
- Authors can send an expanded abstract with two pages (31 July 2023) to - Call for Papers - Promoting Planet-Centered Systemic Change through Emergent Design to receive feedback from Invited Editors.
Otherwise, full article can be submitted until (23 December 2023) trough the link, informing in the text the interest in the Call.

- Peer-review process – January to March 2024.
- Expected Publication of the Special Call – April 2024


2) Type of manuscripts:

- Accepted languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French).
- Abstract in English + native language.
- Size of the article (about 8.000 characters).
- Formatting considering RBGI usual standards

- Type of research accepted; given the array of possible studies, different possibilities of scientific publication are invited:

  • Theoretical Essays and Position Papers.
  • Research articles.
  • Methods article.
  • Case Studies and Experiences.
  • Systematic reviews with strong research agenda proposition.

Up to 10 articles will be selected and published in the special edition Promoting Planet-Centered Systemic Change through Emergent Design. Authors that participate of the Call will be invited to engage into the Emergent Design Network, collaborating in new knowledge production and applied projects towards this theme.



David Cavallo
David Cavallo is an North American researcher in the field of computiation and human learning. He was a Research Professor at the MIT Media Lab and co-director of the Future of Learning Group with Seymour Papert. He was Chief Learning Officer, Vice-President for Education, and Director for Latin America in the global project One Laptop Per Child, with Nicolas Negroponte. Prof. Cavallo created the concept of Emergent Design in 2000, developing understanding about how to implement systemic change in learning and organizational environments facilitated by the development of computational technologies.


Andres Bricenõ-Guiérrez

Andres Bricenõ-Guiérrez is a chilean architect MAA IAAC-UPC, Co-Founder and R+D Director of Centro de Innovación y Diseño Avanzado CINNDA ( and Professor at the Architecture, Arts & Design Faculty, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile where is the head director of Factoria UDP, an interdisciplinar converge center ( Prof. Andres is being applying Emergent Design approaches deleloping technologies to face global warming & reconfiguring communities in Latin America through IoT, Circular Economy and Avanced Manufacture.


Andre Boder

Andre Boder got his PhD in cognitive psychology at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He worked several years with Jean Piaget at the international center for genetic epistemology. He worked as director for epistemology and learning group at the centre mondial informatique in Paris. He was then visiting researcher at the Media Lab at MIT in Boston, at Carnegie Mellon, at the University of Pittsburgh and at the Institute for Cognitive Science at the University of California San Diego with Don Norman. While working as counselor in knowledge management for major sport organizations in Europe (UEFA, IOC), he developed several learning platforms. He currently leads his own company (SmartStory) in Switzerland.



Mateus Panizzon

Mateus Panizzon is serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation. A Brazilian scientist, researcher, educator and strategic adviser in the field of management and innovation, with emphasis in Futures Studies and Knowledge-Based Dynamic Capabilities. Prof. Mateus is currently working with Anticipatory Governance for S&T Policy Design, and is concerned how Emergent Design can enable policymakers, experts and citizens to collectively analyse and solve complex and systemic problems, in the context of living labs, with support of Human-Centred AI Technologies to augment learning capabilities. He holds an PhD in Innovation Management by Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), with visiting research period at École de Technologie Superieure (ÉTS) – University of Quebec, Canada. Currently is also a visiting researcher at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), for postdoc studies in the field of Strategic and Anticipative Intelligence, focusing on Anticipatory Governance for Public Management. Associate Professor in the Graduate Program of Business Administration of the UCS Business School, his publications appear in top-tier journals in the field of management, innovation and futures studies.



RBGI - Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management & Innovation) - an Open Access Journal commited with advancement of Open Science.

ISSN: 2319-0639

It is proposed as the RBGI's mission: to promote and encourage influential scientific production in the science of management, through the publication of forefront and qualified scientific research with ethical standards for researchers, managers, and policy makers, in line with the evolution of the field of study and the theoretical-practical relationship of administration. RBGI focus on scientific manuscripts on themes in the interface of Management & Innovation, and Sustainability.