RBGI is now indexed in Redalyc.
Saiba mais sobre RedalycRBGI is now indexed in Redalyc.
Saiba mais Saiba mais sobre RedalycRBGI ongoing Fastracks
Saiba mais Saiba mais sobre RBGI Ongoing FastracksCommunication to authors and readers.
Saiba mais Saiba mais sobre RBGI New OJS (2024) and information to AuthorsCall for Papers - Smart and Sustainable Cities: Technological Cases for Teaching
Invited Editors
Profa. Janaina Macke, PhD.
Profa. Ana Christina Fachinelli Bertolini, PhD.
Saiba mais Saiba mais sobre Call for Papers - Smart and Sustainable Cities: Technological Cases for TeachingOn this week we celebrate Earth Day (22/04) and Earth Hour (26/04), where public awareness is raised to reflect and act on how the Earth can be protected, we symbolically launch this Call: Promoting Planet-Centered Systemic Change through Emergent Design. Our intention with this Call is to create a community of researchers and practitioners around this theme, promoting new knowledge, new ideas, new tools and environments, and new relationships to help sustain new collaborative projects that can generate meaningful impact and positive change.
Saiba mais Saiba mais sobre Call for Papers - Promoting Planet-Centered Systemic Change through Emergent DesignRBGI participates in the United Nations 3rd Open Science Conference (2023): accelerating the Sustainable Development goals, Democratizing the Record of Science.
Saiba mais Saiba mais sobre RBGI participates in the United Nations 3rd Open Science ConferenceAssessing the impacts of technology in our lives is a critical exercice, that envolves collective observation, analysis, and debate. How should we approach ChatGPT and LLM in Scientific Publication?
Saiba mais Saiba mais sobre Trends and perspectives about ChatGPT and LLM in Scientific PublicationRBGI - Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation) - was founded in 2013, by the vision of Prof. María Emília Camargo, who made significant efforts to make it possible. Over the years, it was edited by Professors Pelayo Munhoz Olea, Fabiano Larentis and Alex Eckert from PPGA-UCS, mobilizing the entire editorial flow, as well as promoting significant advances in indexing.
In 2023, completing 10 years, RBGI begins a new phase in the OJS/PKP Platform.
Access to the RBGI collection, directly from its first website, can be done through the About the journal link (
Mateus Panizzon & RBGI Editorial Team
Saiba mais Saiba mais sobre 10 years of RBGIRBGI is now indexed in Redalyc.
RBGI ongoing Fastracks
RBGI - Revista de Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação – ISSN 2319-0639
Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation – ISSN 2319-0639
O site da Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management & Innovation) e seus metadados estão licenciados com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Campus Sede
EDUCS - Editora da UCS
PPGA - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração
Rua Francisco Getúlio Vargas, 1130, Bairro Petrópolis
Caxias do Sul, RS, Brasil