RBGI participates in the United Nations 3rd Open Science Conference


RBGI participates in the United Nations 3rd Open Science Conference (2023): accelerating the Sustainable Development goals, Democratizing the Record of Science

3rd Open Science Conference 2023

Source: United Nations


Main remarks (Day 1)

- 2023 is the year of Open Science, New Frontiers, FAIR Data Stations (Findable, Accessible, Inter-Operable, Reusable), CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsability and Ethics), and Citzens Cientists.

- Open Science Conference 2023 | United Nations

- Commitment of NASA to Open-Source Science Initiative - Home | NASA TOPS

- The NASA Open Science Initiative - Open-Source Science Initiative | Science Mission Directorate (nasa.gov)

- NASA aims to achieve five major scientific discoveries trough Open Science principles.

- New Open Science Clouds are emerging (Science, Access, Data).

- Presentations can be accesed here 1st Day: 3rd Open Science Conference: Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, Democratizing the Record of Science | UN Web TV


Main remarks (Day 2)

- Open Science as a way to achieve global public good.

- OA Is not only about access, but creatring engagement, intepretability and participatory methods.

- Open Access with APC (Authors Processing Charges) is creating a new barrier for great part of researchers.

- Emergence of Knowing Nature-Literacy:  need to create more understanding of forms of knowledge by the public, governament, NGO´s and corporations - Popularization of Scientific Knowledge.

- Open Science Hardware is already happening.

- Presentations can be accesed here 2nd Day: 3rd Open Science Conference: Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, Democratizing the Record of Science | UN Web TV


Main remarks (Day 3)

- Open Access is important for achieving SDG´s, appling open knowledge to solve problems.

- Resarch articles must be avaliable to the citzens that funded the research trought their taxes.

- Its a new phase of Scientific Publishing reforming.

- Other research outputs beyond PDFs are needed, including dynamic and include data, software, notebooks, portals with data-processing options.

- Presentations can be accesed here 3rd Day: 3rd Open Science Conference: Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, Democratizing the Record of Science | UN Web TV



Mateus Panizzon & RBGI Editorial Team