This study aimed to verify how the DestravaFoz Program contributed to the rapid formalization of companies in Foz do Iguaçu/PR. Intending to contribute by demonstrating how technological innovation in the public sector contributes to local development. For this, it was necessary to carry out the progress of the process of formalizing a company from the implementation of the DestravaFoz Program, and to analyze the optimization of time in the process of formalizing a company, from the implementation of the DestravaFoz Program. Data were collected from the categorization of the investigated elements, through a bibliographic survey, semi-structured interviews with two representatives of the DestravaFoz Program and document analysis. Data validation was performed through content analysis and triangulation. It was verified that the DestravaFoz Program is composed of public and private actors whose main objective is the standardization of the legalization process of a company in Foz do Iguaçu/PR. The conclusion is that processes of legalization of companies that were carried out manually with the implementation of technological innovation, through the DestravaFoz Program, it was possible to transform the reality of people, companies and the city of Foz do Iguaçu, where larger numbers of legalized companies that become active in record times and, as a consequence, generate capital circulation and jobs in the city. However, it was not possible to measure the opening time of a company in Foz do Iguaçu until 2018, as the process was entirely carried out manually, disorganized and non-standard.
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