Innovation, Logistics sector, Innovation managementAbstract
Innovation as the successful application of new ideas has become one of today's mainstream buzzwords. Companies are increasingly intensifying the endless pursuit of innovation. In the logistics sector, continuous improvement in services through innovation is essential for companies to remain profitable in the market. In addition to updating standards, regulations, and other required issues, it is mainly necessary to innovate to serve customers better and remain competitive. Much of this competitiveness falls on the management that must be focused on innovation. Encouraging the inception of ideas within companies for problem-solving and the development of new products and process improvement are examples that portray how management focused on innovation can generate customer satisfaction and consequent market gain. In this context, this study aims to identify the innovation management profile of a company that operates in the Brazilian logistics sector, presenting this profile considering relevant theoretical foundations for analysis as well as a reflection on business practices. Based on the Innovation Octagon, the analysis presents the innovation management profile with a mature process focused on continuous process improvement but with several improvement points. Finally, it concludes with a reflection on organizational practices that promote innovation as a continuous process of improvement in companies.
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