Analysis of measurement uncertainty sources in the casting process


  • Lisiane Trevisan
  • Vinicius de Freitas Paz
  • Daniel Antonio Kapper Fabricio



The concepts used in metrology are increasingly part of the productive process of metallurgical companies, considering the globalization of the world market. The interpretation of metrological concepts and their application in decision-making is still a challenge for the industry, especially for the measurement uncertainty calculation. Industries in the casting area are in great need of skilled labor both in relation to the productive process and engineering, as well as in metrology, highlighting the interdisciplinary of the concepts studied in the technical or baccalaureate courses. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to perform a brief literature review of publications made using the value of uncertainty of measurement within the production process of foundries. The results show that there is a potential research in the field, to which it relates the values of measurement uncertainty and fused components.


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How to Cite

Trevisan, L.; Paz, V. de F.; Fabricio, D. A. K. Analysis of Measurement Uncertainty Sources in the Casting Process. Sci. cum Ind. 2021, 9, 1-4.



Science, Education and Engineering