Learning based in projects to promote interdisciplinarity in Secondary School


  • Daniela Boff Colégio La Salle Carmo


The project-based learning is an active learning strategy that helps break the paradigm of traditional teaching methods. The student is involved in the learning proposal that includes the PiBL, on which one is not passive and becomes the main actor in one's own teaching learning process. Within this learning strategy, the teacher becomes a mediator between theory and practice thus each different subject interact with one another in order to develop a topic that is mutual to all areas because the learning environment is naturally interdisciplinary. The idea of this kind of learning strategy was applied during a workshop that took place with primary and secondary schoolteachers in order to help them approach the strategy in the classroom, contributing with experiences and ideas towards the interdisciplinary based project.



How to Cite

Boff, D. Learning Based in Projects to Promote Interdisciplinarity in Secondary School. Sci. cum Ind. 2016, 3, 148-151.