Evaluation of a nanofiltration membrane for the removal of antibiotics from water: a case study with Sulfamethoxazole, Norfloxacin and Tetracycline





Nanofiltration, Contamination with antibiotics, Water Treatment


Conventional methods usually employed in water and wastewater treatment plants have presented low effectiveness in removing antibiotics and other contaminants of emerging concern. Therefore, in view of the problems associated with these contaminants (toxicity, carcinogenic potential, development of bacteria that are super resistant to antibiotics, endocrine disruption, etc.), it is necessary to study new technologies for treating water and wastewater. In this context, the present study evaluates nanofiltration, a membrane technology, for removing three widely consumed antibiotics (Tetracycline, Norfloxacin and Sulfamethoxazole) from water. The NF270 membrane (DOW – FilmTec), a polyamide membrane with a molecular weight cut-off of 400 Da, was used and evaluated in terms of productivity and ability to remove antibiotics at pressures from 2 to 8 bar. High productivity was obtained, with permeate fluxes around 100 kg h–1 m–2 at a pressure of 8 bar, and antibiotic removals of up to 95%, demonstrating the effectiveness of nanofiltration in removing these contaminants. It is important to point out that under the evaluated conditions, no fouling of the membrane was observed, a very important fact as it allows for a longer useful life of the membranes, reducing operation and maintenance costs.

Author Biographies

Luis Guillermo Hammes Varela, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Graduating in Environmental Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Andréa Moura Bernardes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Engenheira Química pela PUCRS. Mestra em Engenharia pelo PPGE3M/UFRGS. Doutora em Engenharia de Materiais pela Technische Universitat Berlin (Alemanha). Professora Titular na Escola de Engenharia da UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Giacobbo, A., Hammes Varela, L. G., & Moura Bernardes, A. (2024). Evaluation of a nanofiltration membrane for the removal of antibiotics from water: a case study with Sulfamethoxazole, Norfloxacin and Tetracycline. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 8(13). https://doi.org/10.18226/25253824.v8.n13.01