This paper aims to present the channels of knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) used by entrepreneurial professors in the area of Information Technology (IT) at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). As from the application of the roadmapping method, with a retrospective approach, the channels used in KTT were identified in the trajectory of the innovation life of entrepreneurial professors. The results point to the use of five channels for the creation and distribution of value (tangible and intangible) both for the university and for the professor, his students and society. The channels are Creation of Academic Spin-off (ASO), Cooperative Research and Development (R&D) Projects, Academic Consulting, Technology Residency, and Entrepreneurs Training. The findings in the case studies demystify the patent as the only channel for the university's KTT with the creation and distribution of value in this sector for society.
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