The Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to Scientia cum Industria are received by the Editors-in-Chief, who will examine all submitted files. If the files fulfill the scientific and editorial requirements as given in the Manuscript Preparation and in the manuscript templates, the submission is directed to a member of the Editorial Advisory Board, who will assign the submission for external peer review.      

If the manuscript files do not meet the journal's requirements, the authors will receive instructions on the required changes and be invited to resubmit the files.

The external peer review adopted by Scientia cum Industria is double-blinded, in which both reviewers' and authors' identities are kept hidden throughout the review process.

The submission will be initially assigned to two expert peer reviewers. In case of discordance, it will be solicited an opinion of a third expert peer reviewer. Based on the comments of the reviewers, the associate editor responsible for the submission will assign one of the following publication recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief:

  • Accept without revision;
  • Minor revision: invite author(s) to revise the submission to address specific but relatively minor concerns;
  • Major revision: invite author(s) to revise the submission to address moderate to major concerns;
  • Reject, but indicate to the author(s) that further work might justify a resubmission; or
  • Reject outright.

The revised manuscript must be submitted within 30 days. Otherwise,  it will be considered to be withdrawn. Resubmission of an unsatisfactorily revised manuscript may result in rejection. If additional time is necessary, the authors can justify contacting the Editorala office.

The Editor-in-Chief will address the final decision directly with the corresponding author on the review process results.

The accepted manuscript will be sent to production. The authors will receive an email notification for proof review.  

Along with the proof checking, the authors should ensure that all the queries required by reviewers and editors were addressed. Also, the proof should be checked by text accuracy and if all information given in Tables, Figures, etc., is correct.

After receiving the proof, the manuscript will be posted on the website as an "Accepted manuscript" with a DOI attached.

Reviewers responsibilities

The reviewers' role is essential in ensuring the scientific integrity of the manuscript and indicating where the manuscript could be improved.

The reviewers who accept to review a manuscript should meet the following criteria:

  • Hold no potential conflicts of interest with any of the authors.
  • Have relevant experience and have a proven publication record in the field of the submitted paper.
  • Maintain standards of professionalism and ethics.
  • Provide quality review reports and remain responsive throughout the peer review process;
  • Report suspected plagiarism