Comparison between vertical acceleration data from acquired signals and multibody model for an off-road vehicle


  • Cristian Padilha Fontoura Universidade de Caxias do Sul
  • Alan Alves dos Passos
  • Deives Roberto Bareta
  • Elton João Zanol



SAE Mini Baja competitions require efforts in developing a reliable vehicle project that enables their teams to manage time and resources wisely. Vehicle simulations are one the best ways to deal with these conditions and prevent failure during a test. This work outlines the methodology that was carried out for validating the multibody dynamics model of a Mini Baja vehicle through vertical acceleration data acquisition. The data was acquired with the vehicle in different sets of obstacles, based on those seen in previously held competitions. Simulation was done through ADAMS/Car, with the vehicle’s multibody model being simulated in different three-dimensional roads, counterpart to those where data acquisition took place. Simulation data, when compared to acquired acceleration signals for most of the obstacles, exhibited equivalence. Additional data computation revealed that the spectra in the frequency domain presented most severe loads concentrated between 0 and 20 Hz, incoming mostly from road unevenness. Gathering such data, by the presented approach can assist future analyses and guide the Baja Team in defining an improved project by predicting its dynamic behavior.


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How to Cite

Padilha Fontoura, C., Alves dos Passos, A., Bareta, D. R., & Zanol, E. J. (2018). Comparison between vertical acceleration data from acquired signals and multibody model for an off-road vehicle. Scientia Cum Industria, 6(1), 29–37.



Science, Education and Engineering