Impact of soil management on the physical properties of an ferralsol from the ‘Campos de Cima da Serra’ region, Rio Grande do Sul
soil management, water infiltration, soil penetration, infiltration speedAbstract
The expansion of cultivation areas, especially in the last decade, has changed the landscapes of ‘Campos de Cima in Serra’ of
Rio Grande do Sul state, where livestock activity has been developing for 300 years. The introduction of silviculture, grain crops, and
orchards, in addition to the cultivation of vegetables, have imposed different managements on the soils, ranging from direct planting to the use of rotary hoes. This work sought to evaluate the impact of different types of soil management on the physical properties and water infiltration capacity of a ferralsol, typical of this region of the north of Rio Grande do Sul state. The soil under the management of native grazing fields showed lower particle and bulk densities and resistance to penetration, while soil planted on garlic crops showed greater resistance to penetration, particle and bulk densities, and lower total porosity and macroporosity. The average infiltration speed was 29.2 mm∙h-1 for the native field under grazing (T1), 65.4 mm∙h-1 for planting on soybean straw (T2), and 20.0 mm∙h-1 for planting on garlic crop (T3). It was observed that intensive management, such as the use of the rotary hoe, had a considerable negative impact on the physical properties and the speed of water infiltration in the soil and, consequently, potential damage to the replenishment of underground deposits, when compared with direct planting and the native field.
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