Scarabaeids (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of forensic importance occurring in swine carcasses in the municipalities of Caxias do Sul and Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
forensic entomology, Scarabaeidae, insectsAbstract
The Scarabaeidae group has great forensic relevance mainly because some of its representatives have necrophagous habits. In this way, these insects offer the potential to provide important criminal information related to cadavers in advanced stages of decomposition. The objective of this work was to identify and quantify the species of scarabids that occur in swine carcasses in the cities of Caxias do Sul and Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. The collections were carried out in three stages: in a private property located in the Ana Rech district in Caxias do Sul and two in Bento Gonçalves in the University district. The carcasses (Sus scrofa) were placed in lateral decubitus under a metal mesh box surrounded by ten soil traps. A total of 75 individuals belonging to the Scarabaeidae family were collected (14 species), and the species are distributed in the subfamilies: Aphodiinae, Dynastinae, and Scarabaeinae. The taxa found were included in the tribes: Eupariini, Cyclocephalini, Coprini, Deltochilini, Oniticellini, Onthophagini, and Phanaeini. Differences were found between the occurrence of taxa in the two cities evaluated, Stenocrates Burmeister, 1847 was found exclusively in Bento Gonçalves, while the Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 exclusively in Caxias do Sul. The results demonstrate the importance of specimen collection in several places to allow an adequate practice of Forensic Entomology. It should be noted that the southern region of Brazil has great potential for forensic studies.
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