Tilt-shift photography: motherhood portrayed in Anne Enright’s Taking pictures


  • Caroline Moreira Eufrausino (USP) Universidade de São Paulo
  • Laura Patrícia Zuntini de Izarra (USP)


Women, Motherhood, Postmodernism, Perspective


"Tilt-shift photography" is used when referring to camera movements: when this artifact is used, the photographer is able to change the tilt and redefine the picture focus. Considering this technical characteristic of photography, it aims to analyze the collection Taking Pictures by the Booker Prize Winner's Anne Enright. Born in Ireland, Enright portrays many of the tensions women face regarding motherhood taking into account the perfection attributed to the Irish mother figure in social and cultural history. The analysis aims to introduce the authoress, contextualize her works and verify the role of the mother in contemporary Irish society through her short stories. In what follows, I read the contemporary Irish writer Anne Enright as a photographer and the pictures are the short stories

Biografia do Autor

Caroline Moreira Eufrausino (USP), Universidade de São Paulo

Caroline Moreira Eufrausino é Mestre em Literatura Irlandesa pela National University of Ireland e atualmente é aluna de pós-graduação em Estudos Literários em Inglês no Departamento de Letras Modernas da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo.




Como Citar

Eufrausino (USP), C. M., & Izarra (USP), L. P. Z. de. (2013). Tilt-shift photography: motherhood portrayed in Anne Enright’s Taking pictures. ANTARES: Letras E Humanidades, 5(9), 264–276. Recuperado de https://sou.ucs.br/etc/revistas/index.php/antares/article/view/1971

